Whether famous or up and coming, learning from real people in the careers themselves is always best.
If you’re interested in a career in food or becoming a chef some day here are some people to follow on Twitter.(in no particular order)
And as always here are some links to JobShadowed Chef interviewees Emily Luchetti, Jamie Kimm, and Christopher Yang.
@AndrewZimmern Andrew Zimmern
@BFlay Bobby Flay
@catcora Cat Cora
@GuyFieri Guy Fieri
@Emeril Emeril Lagasse
@GDeLaurentiis Giada De Laurentis
@Jamie_Oliver Jamie Oliver
@offalchris Chris Cosentino
@TheDeenBros Jamie and Bobbie Deen
@TylerFlorence Tyler Florence
@The_Neelys The Neely’s
@CookCarluccio Antonio Carluccio
@mariobatali Mario Batali
@Rick_Bayless Rick Bayless
@curtis_stone Curtis Stone
@GrowCookEat Stephanie Alexander
@Raymond_Blanc Raymond Blanc
@ChefJenCarroll Jennifer Carroll
@GordonRamsay01 Gordon Ramsay
@topchefkevin Kevin Gillespie
@ChefChiarello Michael Chiarello
@SandraLee Sandra Lee
@jacques_pepin Jacques Pepin
@Ellie_Krieger Ellie Kieger
@ChefMichaelSmth Michael Smith
@ChefJohnShields John Shields
@SeamusMullen Seamus Mullen
@chef_morimoto Chef Morimoto
@andrecarmellini Andrew Carmellini
@chefkennyg37 Kenny Gilbert
@ChefToddEnglish Todd English
@Bourdain Anthony Bourdain
@NapaHospitality Michael McMillan
@ChefHermes Chef Hermes
@BobbyChinn Bobby Chinn
@chefgwen Gwen Ashley Walters
@ILTOCCOFOOD Gabe Bertaccini
@cheftiamcd Tia McDonald
@ChefTopple Steve Topple
@TheFirstCourse Chef CJ Henry
@ChefLonDenver Lon Symensma
@Paula Deen Paula Deen
@CKostow Christoper Kostow
@culinaryu Dennis Frazier
@BeckettsTable Justin Beckett
@chefbeaumac Beau MacMillan
@ChefGross Christoper Gross
@chadatsearocket Chad White
@greensandbeans Randy Rucker
@dhenderiks Diane Henderiks
@ChefJenDePalma Jen Depalma
@Wolfgangbuzz Wolfgang Puck
@chefjohnbesh John Besh
@Chef_Gregorio Gregorio Pedroza
@giuseppetentori Guiseppe Tentori
@SusieSpiceItUp Susie Jimenez
@CulinaryBadBoy Chris Nirschel
@marcvetri Marc Vetri
@AlonShaya Alon Shaya
@Chefjefflive Jeff Henderson
@ChefBettyFraser Betty Fraser
@DaLocalChef Steven Wilson
@nhereford Nate Hereford
@chefanneburrell Anne Burrell
@ChefRogalski Paul Rogalski
@ChefKirkVan Kirk Morrison
@altonbrown Alton Brown
@davidchang David Chang
@ricardomzarate Ricardo Zarate
@soulcocina Roger Feely
@ChefJoseAdorno Jose Adorno
@AngeloASosa Angelo Sosa
@DaleTalde Dale Talde
@ChefMCollantes Michael Collantes
@ChickswKnives Suzanne Griswold & Rachael Narins
@MikeIsabellaDC Mike Isabella
@bellachef19 Dena Marino
@Chef_Bosco Bosco Pereira
@ChefCaseyT Casey Thompson
@fabioviviani Fabio Viviani
@chefstevemchugh Steve McHugh
@DavidMarteau David Marteau
@TroyGuard Troy Guard
@ChefMarkPeel Mark Peel
@eatatstreet Susan Feniger
@mlaiskonis Michael Liaskonis
@JoesRestaurant Joseph Miller
@ericripert Eric Ripert
@Chefaymar Amar Santana
@josiahcitrin Josiah Citrin
@chefadamhorton Adam Horton
@rachael_ray Rachael Ray
@canapes45 Robin White