In the vast world of the internet these people help brands stand out and users find the quality information they are looking for.  If you are interested in a career in online marketing and SEO these are some of the top minds you should pay attention to.  Click the links under each of their names to read their full interviews and virtually shadow their careers on JobShadow.com. 

randfishkin-500px_thumbRand Fishkin–  Rand has built one of the premier SEO software companies in the world.  Read his complete interview here.  Job Shadow Interview with Rand Fishkin.





Aaron Wall-   Aaron is the founder of SEOBook, one of the oldest and most well  respected resources in online marketing.   Read his complete Job Shadow interview here:   JobShadow Interview with Aaron Wall.




Neil-Patel-HR-Ray-Spaddy-4_thumbNeil Patel- Neil is a well known serial entrepreneur who co-founded Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics.  He is also one of the sharpest SEO minds around.   Read his complete JobShadow interview here:  JobShadow Interview with Neil Patel.




debradenim_thumbDebra Mastaler-  Debra is a seasoned veteran and sought after speaker in the marketing community.  Read her complete JobShadow Interview here:  JobShadow Interview with Debra Mastaler.




jamesagate_thumbJames Agate-  James is the founder of Skyrocket SEO and well respected link builder guest blogging expert.  Read his full JobShadow.com interview here:  JobShadow Interview with James Agate.




mikeramsay_thumbMike Ramsey-  Mike is a local search expert and the founder of Nifty Marketing.  Read his full JobShadow interview here:  JobShadow Interview with Mike Ramsey. 




johndoherty_thumbJohn Doherty- John is the director of Distilled Agency’s New York branch.  He is a guest speaker in the SEO world and frequent guest blogger at SEOMoz.  Read his full JobShadow interview here:  JobShadow Interview with John Doherty.




headshot1_thumbIan Lurie- Ian is the founder and CEO of Portent, Inc.  one of the leading internet marketing firms in North America.   Read his full JobShadow interview here:  JobShadow Interview with Ian Lurie.




DrMeyers_thumbDr. Peter J. Meyers-  Dr. Meyers, of SEOMoz, combines his unique expertise in the fields of psychology and data science and applies it to the online world.  Read his full JobShadow interview here:  JobShadow interview with Dr. Peter J. Meyers.



jdc_headshot_800_thumbJonathon Colman-
 Jonathon is an international speaker on all things internet marketing and is the Principal Experience Architect at REI.  Read his full JobShadow interview here:  JobShadow Interview with Jonathon Colman.




jill-whalen_thumbJill Whalen- Jill is the owner of consultancy High Rankings and is one of the long standing voices in SEO.  You can read her full JobShadow interview here:  JobShadow Interview with Jill Whalen.