What do you like about being a general surgeon?
I like the personal rewards that General Surgery gives me. I enjoy taking a complex medical problem and figuring out what is wrong or being able to take a sick patient to the operating room, working hard during the case, and, most of the time, having the patient recover and be better than they were before the surgery. The majority of my patients appreciate the care they receive by me and my partners, and this in itself is very rewarding.
In my particular practice, I enjoy the variety of diseases I can care for and the cases I can perform. I would be bonkers if I had to do the same thing every day, like a cataract surgeon (although they are at the bank and golf course hours before me!)
What do you dislike?
I dislike several things: having to deal with insurance companies and Medicare, both of whom are constantly trying to cheapen my services and talents; getting up at night to take care of folks who are drunk or drugged and are in automobile accidents, hurting themselves or others ; taking care of people who have spent a lifetime not taking care of themselves, and having them expect miracles from my care.
I’m a general surgeon that was inspired by this page, many thanks for leading me to pursue my goal and help me through life leading into this career, many wishes and thanks!
I am a general surgeon and I love my career, I became one using this site thank you for inspiring me.
I am so interested in this career , though I am still 14 years old but I actually see a very bright future for me with this career . I was born with a gift which is being an amazing artist and a creative mind , my family gave me support for my art hobby , but actually I like biology and science more , I’ve been the only girl who enjoys science classes in my class but my family expects me to be a famous artist . Since I like both , I’ve related being creative and surgeries, I can put pieces together in a creative way , I can save someone’s life with creativity , I know you might think am crazy but seriously I want this career more than anything in this world I just like saving people’s life I like putting smiles on others , this is the dream am trying to achieve , it’s a bright future , am sure my parents would be very proud of me once am a Surgeon , the best surgeon is ikleel.
I’m the same age as you and I feel the same way. I want to be a surgeon so bad and I feel like I can rise to the potential. I’ve had to endure hardships throughout my life so I think I can handle the stress easily. I will become a surgeon. I know I will.